1·Leave this option selected for all other situations.
2·Figure 3 shows the Create Page option selected in a SharePoint test environment.
图 3 展示了在 SharePoint 测试环境中所选择的 Create Page 选项。
3·Click Next, leave the Create a default package option selected, and then click Finish.
单击Next,保持Create a default package选项处于选中状态,然后单击Finish。
4·Figure 11 shows the upload option selected and a local file chosen to be uploaded.
5·Figure 18 shows the option selected; it expands to display the available components.
6·In recovery mode after the option "Configuration" the option selected is the next option.
7·If you deviate from the option selected, be sure you understand the implications of your choice.
8·With that option selected, the toString method can be regenerated, and the new output looks like Listing 10.
9·Click anywhere on the diagram to open the Create Enterprise bean wizard with the session bean option selected.
单击图表中的任何地方通过选择会话bean选项以打开Create Enterprise bean向导。
10·With the second option Selected Domino servers, it is possible to configure separate threads per Domino server.
如果使用第二个选项Selected Domino servers,则可以单独为每个Domino服务器配置线程。